I received a Google alert for my name "Jason Solarek', and noticed that my name was mentioned on a tableware website I'd never visited. I have no association whatsoever with this site. Yet, my name appeared on the site. Please see screen shot above.
I then visited the site, and realized this site is a sham. This is a site generated by robots that go out and comb the internet for certain keywords. The site then adds this data to its site, as if it were its own data and authentic. In this way, it appears that I visited this site and posted content on it. I never did. This is misleading, and false.
This is the fake site: http://www.noritake-tableware.com/gallery
I then took a look at the company on the Contact Us page. A warning sign was the the company says "Contact Us" but does not offer a phone number or address.
I visited site for the company that designed the website.
19parking.com creates bogus websites that clutter the internet.
They also have a Contact Us page without a phone number or address. A red flag is always a company without a physical address listed.